Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Need help crafting a Valentine Day's card?

Look no further than these graphs:

14 Economics Valentines - Business Insider


  1. I like the confidence one! Real smooth!

  2. Who says economics is the dismal science!

  3. This article is so great! I maybe a couple days late, but now I know what to do if I am ever dating an economist. I would say my favorite would have to be the PPF. The impossible can be reached! Also the shorting the market and going long with you is just hilarious. The natural monopoly is also a good one. This article will definitely be saved and used in the future to cheer up a fellow economist. What a fun article!

    Who said economist is a dismal science, ha! I agree with Phil.

  4. weirdly charming. but hey I'm not complaining, it got me a date!
