Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fraud and mortgage settlements

The largest banks settled with the feds.  But this is the issue that everyone is talking about right now.  Did the feds settle too quickly? 


  1. They definitely did. The most they looked at were close to a quarter of the cases for PNC Finacial Services. While these banks are extremely important, I believe that they should be held to the highest of standards so that our economy remains stable. How are Americans supposed to trust in our biggest banks if we cannot count on the feds holding them accountable?

  2. I agree with Rohitha here, they settle too early. Considering the amount of time they spend on other cases this should have taken a lot more time. Very sad people had to lose their moneys.

  3. I hate that the FED bailed out banks that were too big too fail, but honestly they did the best thing for our overall economy. What else could they have done? The alterative was letting the global economy crash even harder. Think back to The Great Depression, bank runs and extreme unemployment would have happened again, but only factoring in more money and globally integrated system. The FED had no other choice than to engage in quantitative easing.
