Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Depression...European style

Is the Eurozone Nearing a Make or Break Point? « naked capitalism


  1. I also saw on the Wall Street Journal this morning that Cyprus is asking for a 17 billion euro bailout. This will lead to more work for eurozone leaders and the central banks there because there is a lot of money laundering happening in Cyprus, and the central banks want to be able to regulate the money that would potentially bailout their economy.

  2. Given the situation of the countries in the Eurozone, it is closely hinting towards a breakpoint but I might be completely wrong on this issue. The number of countries reaping the benefits from Eurozone is far less than the number of countries who are struggling due to Eurozone tie.

  3. I agree with Utsav, because it seems like many of the countries are not getting the benefits they should from the Eurozone and are instead struggling which should not be happening.
