Monday, January 28, 2013

Online Music Streaming

In this article within the New York Times, the author explains how websites such as Pandora and Spotify are becoming more popular on a global level. However, even though these websites are becoming more popular it seems that artists are making less from royalties when these websites play their songs. The article gives actual data from an up and coming artists which states, "After her songs had been played more than 1.5 million times on Pandora over six months, she earned $1,652.74. On Spotify, 131,000 plays last year netted just $547.71, or an average of 0.42 cent a play." This seems like a very small amount for such a substantial amount of plays. 
In your opinion, who is more entitled to the profits of these websites, artists or the websites. Also, will things such as Pandora and Spotify help to eliminate illegal downloading of music?


  1. I think the artists are more entitled to the profits because they did the hard part in creating the music. I think artists are in a tough spot because if they don't make deals with Pandora or Spotify, then people will more likely resort to downloading the artist's music illegally. So, although I think artists are being underpaid for their music, I think it's a better alternative then everyone just downloading their music illegally.

  2. Although it only seems right that the artists should be more entitled for receiving money from the music they created, I can also see the other side. Without Pandora and Spotify, the artists would not be making anything because everyone would just download their music illegally so atleast they are making a little profit from these websites.
    I don't think artists (especially the more famous ones) are too concerned about the money they make from these websites because they have plenty of other ways to earn money as well, like each song play on the radio, concerts, interviews, television shows, movies, etc.

  3. I think both the artists and the websites are both entitled to a share of the profit. I think the artists should be making more than they are but not too much more. I agree with hannah in that these artists arent making the majority of their money from these websites. These artists make their money in a number of other ways, especially the more famous ones. These websites are definitely entitled to a decent amount of the profits because they are getting the artists music out there and in an essence, promoting for the artists so they deserve compensation.

  4. I have actually in the process of copyrighting a song of mine being recorded in Nashville. As a writer, I would obviously think that the artist should be receiving more profit than around .42 cents a song. Then again, the artist could make money other ways while Pandora and Spotify only have playing music as their source of profit. I also think that a true artist would be more focused on their music, playing shows, being featured on the radio, then spotify and pandora. I appreciate these programs in trying to cut down on pirated music, and some profit for those artists is better than none at all.

  5. I agree with Mr. Passman here, as he said this industry will take off with time. People just need to give it time and as streaming becomes mainstream so will the profits go up of artists. I will say to Maureen, hang in there you will see returns from your music in a little while.

  6. This isn't a new problem and I agree that the simple fact that these songs make more money than illegally downloaded music. As the article mentioned, artists don't make very much from iTunes or Amazon sales either. An artist makes roughly 10% of profit from iTunes and Amazon. Popular artists make their good money on merchandise and live concerts, two markets that are still doing very well, especially with the addition of online merchandise shops and concert ticket sales. Overall, I think the only problem the music industry faces (which is also arguably not a big problem) is illegal downloads. Spotify and Pandora are helping to fix this problem so I say let the be. If an artist has a problem with it they can not put their music out there, but they do, because it's doing better heard for some profit than not hear or heard for free.
