The article makes a point to say, and I too have this same thought, how much can these proposals/laws really do to prevent these incidences? The article states that from the recent connecticut shooting, gunman Adam Lanza did not buy the gun himself. So, proposals from Obama about "background checks" would not have slowed Lanza as he didn't even purchase those weapons and would not have had to undergo such background checks. "Gun control groups say that expanded background checks would help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and people with mental illness, and would go a long way toward increasing public safety and could help prevent mass shootings."
However, I am all for the proposals that Obama has listed. Though we cannot perfectly prevent these incidences, I do agree with these revisions and better gun control policies. What do you think? Also, the article mentions the gun control policies in Australia where restrictions are much more serious
I agree with you Cam. It should be harder to buy guns but in all reality, these restrictions will only put a dent in the problem and other solutions must be considered. Other cities and countries have proven that banning guns doesn't fix the problem, so after better restrictions (restrictions that should've been there in the first place), there isn't much more to do in regards to guns themselves. I think that what needs to be addressed is mental health awareness, diagnosis, and how we handle mental disease in this country. If someone is mentally unstable enough to shoot people, they should be identified, diagnosed and dealt with. The signs have been there well before these shooters have killed innocent lives, but for the most part they go unrecognized and/or ignored due to a lack of knowledge and treatment options. Easier said than done, but we have the brain power and resources for "change."
ReplyDeleteWe have something similar in Zimbabwe. Expanded background checks and you can not simply walk into a gun shop and buy one, the same goes with the ammo as well. Because of these laws there are few gun related violence cases. It will be for the country to have these control. I support the president's stance.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the Presidents stance on gun control. It shouldn't be as easy as walking into a Wallmart and choosing one out. But this doesn't help the real issue, which is how Americans react to mental health issues. I agree with Abby that it can easily be diagnosed and treated before it escalates to violence. I also think that as a society we would have to change our views about mental health patients and sanatoriums. This idea that it is embarrassing and shameful to be mentally ill is stopping people in need from getting the help they should. This is a good article about mental health in the UShere.
ReplyDelete^Awesome article. I was encouraged to read yesterday that the mental health issue is on the government's radar. President Obama acknowledged the need for better resources, awareness and accessibility with mental health treatment on the official government page for the upcoming gun control proposals. It may take a while to implement and change but the acknowledgement of it is the first step. The way Americans seem to pick their issues is largely based on media and press coverage. If the President and other influential outlets stress mental health and explain the problems and solutions related to mental health in a more digestible way, Americans will catch on and real change can happen.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with you Cam. I believe that we need much stricter gun control laws, but more importantly, it should be MUCH easier (and cheaper) to get professional mental help than it is to buy a gun.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very important topic going on in our world today. I think it should be more difficult to obtain a gun, but I still don't think it's going to stop someone from getting one if they truly want one. This article clearly states that two of the shooters used guns that were not their own. This means they could have gotten them from a relative or friend that was mentally stable without that person knowing. The background checks will hopefully help decline the amount of mass shootings, but just like the article says we need to realize that it's not going to stop them completely, which is truly very sad.
ReplyDeleteI guess i'll be that guy. I am very against gun control. I will give two reasons. First off, I disagree with the argument that stricter gun control will prevent dangerous criminals and the mentally ill from acquiring high powered weaponry. Stricter gun control will only make things worse because it will leave more people defenseless from attackers. You honestly believe that those sick individuals, who are hell bent on killing large amounts of people, care about gun laws? They will either acquire a gun illegally or use a different weapon such as explosives or knives, while the rest of us are defenseless due to tighter gun restrictions. I almost guarantee that most gang related shootings involved non registered weapons. Recently China has had many mass stabbings that have injured and killed many innocent people ( ). So does this mean that China should put restrictions on knives? Another problem I have is that the media never covers stories that involve armed citizens stopping would be killers from carrying out their deeds. Look it up. I couldn't decide which story I wanted to post. But, the liberal media doesn't report it. I wonder why...
ReplyDeleteThe other issue I have with gun control is people seem to forget the reason we have the right to bear arms in the first place. It's not just for hunting or stopping crime, it's for being able to protect ourselves against our own government. I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea of an unarmed populace. You never know what the future holds. I am not insinuating that there is going to be a revolution or something. I just think those who wish to be armed should have the right to be armed just in case the government grows too powerful and intrusive into our lives.
With all that being said, I also very much agree with the need for an improved mental health system. I think that is part of the recent mass murder issue. People who have mental illness have a right to have a place to be treated just like everyone else. I think improved mental health would definitely help with the current issue.
Dang. I lose hope when we can't learn to stop shooting each other. I lose more hope when the government decides we will never learn to stop shooting each other. Our government decided we were a lost cause and just took certain kinds of guns away and a majority is voting in favor it. Half of us believe humanity isn't good enough.
ReplyDeleteI agree with stricter rules and more regulations on gun control, a more thorough background check, or even classes to be taken in order to learn the safety rules; but like anything else, there is always a way. I understand why people are against guns in general, makes sense, but I am being a little more realistic in thinking that, either way, they will find a way to kill or to obtain guns regardless of the law. What is there to do then? Improve mental health education? I am really at a loss to try to fix this.
ReplyDeleteI think these gun control laws are a good step but i do not feel they will have much impact. Anyone who is sick enough to commit something like a mass shooting, will get a gun, whether illegally or legally, it doesnt matter. The problem is the types of guns we allow just anyone to have. We need to limit the availability of the more high powered firearms like machine guns and assault rifles, where you can fire multiple shots in just seconds. With just a regular pistol or a lesser weapon like a knife, these occurences may still happen, but their will be way fewer casualties.
ReplyDeleteWhen a bullet is fired from the gun, it always kills, it never saves life, therefore I am all for strict gun control. Australia adopted a strict gun policy in 1996 and they don't have any incidents of mass murder since then. Furthermore, the number of other gun related crimes in Australia have dropped significantly as well. I do believe that strict gun control won't totally stop such crimes, but it won't make things easier for the potential criminals. Distributing the firearms and then trying to prevent its possible consequences won't make things easier no matter how good the regulations are. Preventions will be easier and efficient, if there are less number of guns.
I agree with Clay in this case. I don't think that stricter gun laws will necessarily prevent gun crimes. Coming from a town near the dangerous city of Flint Michigan I have heard about many gun crimes that were carried out by person who didn't buy the weapon, or was not licensed to have the gun. If somebody wants to commit a crime that bad they will find a way to do it sadly enough. If we make it harder to purchase guns people will not be able to protect themselves as well against people who want to commit crimes. Lastly, tying this back into economics, with all these new regulations it will be much harder to purchase guns leading to a drop in spending within this industry.