In this
article it is talked about how U.S. companies are finally helping out their investors. There are plans of buying back over 117 billion dollars of their own shares making stocks a lot more valuable. My question is are we jumping out of "bunker down mode" too quickly? Could we maybe be causing a false start? And is this going to benefit everyone in our economy? How so?
I am very excited about this. Given that the Dow has already broken record highs, this tells me that it can keep going up. My biggest worry these last 4 days is that people will cash out and run. But with the possibility of further growth with stories like that, I'm excited to see how high we can go
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see investor confidence. Like Travis, I am also excited. But, how high can we go though before something bad happens again? Hopefully we can get rid of some our zombies to find longer growth
ReplyDeleteAs Cam mentioned my only worry about this is that we create a stock bubble that crashes and creates another recession. However, if the economy can continue to grow people should continue to have confidence in the markets which should keep it relatively safe. What it sounds like is I should be investing my money in the stock market right now to catch this upward swing.
ReplyDeleteI, too, am encouraged by this. At the moment I am not worried about another bubble developing and crashing anytime soon. It may be a bit near sighted, but I feel the economy still has a good bit of recovering to do before there is a real risk of another crash.
ReplyDeleteLike all above, I'm excited by the increased investor confidence that will come from this. Now, if only we can look to make "smart," long-term investments...