Monday, March 4, 2013

American Jobs

In this article they mostly talk about the lack of jobs in the United States. My question for you guys is why do analysts say the economy is doing better but there has been a lack of unemployment falling? Also is the sequester going to put a huge increase in the unemployment rate? And how is Americans and the worlds confidence effected?


  1. According to the article, while buoyant earnings are rewarded by investors and make American companies more competitive globally, they have not translated into additional jobs at home. One should ask themselves what does it happen? Maybe, companies work by their OWN interests as every human being. While the governement helps the companies to improve their earnings with the US people taxes, US is not able to create more jobs. So, that is another evidence that shows that the government cannot make the best decision when one talks in terms of the whole nation.
    In my opinion, I agree with a comment that read. It said that Obama spoke about the people and working class and middle class at campaign rallies, but when in power, ended up helping the rich get richer. People in the government try to look like us and take decision by ourselves. but they are not like us and do not have the same reality. So, how one can take decision for everyone, if not have the same background. Ironies of the life.

  2. According to the article, the American economy is growing but unemployment isn't falling because all growth in the U.S. is being experienced at the corporate level. CEO's have no reason to hire more American workers because they either don't have to due to improved production or they just hire overseas labor for next to nothing. They also don't see a need to raise wages due to the high unemployment level. I don't think the sequester is going to help unemployment at first. It may go up at first but my hope is that these austerity tactics will help the markets equilibrate and usher in a new era of prosperity.
